What a wonderful Colebourne year we have had! A huge thank you to the children, staff and parents for all the hard work and support over the year. We have had a fantastic year of fun, learning, and opportunities for the children to grow and develop.

This year, we further introduced our science of learning (READY approach) into all lessons, and this is having a great impact on children’s ability to recall learning, make connections across learning, and remember more. Our curriculum units are ensuring children can develop a love of learning and provide challenge to enhance their skills and thinking. We have seen fantastic outcomes across our curriculum, and we look forward to showcasing more of this with you next year.

We wish you an awesome summer and we look forward to seeing you all back in September. For those children, families and staff leaving us – we wish you all the best.

Mr. Guest

Full Update here: Parent Update (19 July 2024)

Parent Update (19 July 2024)