Welcome back to this half term at Colebourne.
I hope you managed to have a good half term last week.
As we enter this half term, we are once again faced with challenges because of Covid. As I reported earlier in the week via ClassDojo, we do have members of staff who have tested positive and who are resting at home. As their symptoms developed at the end of the holidays / before the children returned, no children are having to self-isolate as a result. We have got through another week with all the class / year group bubbles still intact!
We have seen a significant increase in the amount of positive cases among the community but as yet, we have not had a positive case among the children, which has resulted in us not having to close a bubble.
Please continue to be vigilant and ensure you are following the new National lockdown guidance: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-national-restrictions-from-5-november
Schools were issued with new guidance on Wednesday evening regarding what schools must do differently because of the national lockdown. As we already have so much in place, the only main change is us not being able to operate the extra-curricular activities.
I can assure you that we continue to take Covid very seriously in school and have implemented additional measures including all staff and visitors having to wear face coverings in all communal areas, plus extremely tight guidance for staff movement and seating around the school. We will continue to regularly monitor and review our policies.
We are also exploring the ability to add an additional gate further up the pedestrian driveway to improve the flow of parents and children, particularly at pick up times, and an additional gate for Y2 to enable each class to have their own gate.
You can download my full Friday Update below, which includes a Photo Challenge!