I hope you are all doing okay. Many children have started their home learning activities today and there has been some excellent work already produced and posted to the children’s portfolios or via messages to the teachers.
We are continuing to produce leaning content and activities so please keep checking back in Class Dojo.
We are still waiting on guidance from the government about who key workers. Until we have received this we are unable to fully assess what the next few weeks and beyond will look like or exactly what the provision will be for these children.
What we do know is that school will be closed from the end of the day tomorrow until further notice apart from these Key Workers children and a few other children with specific circumstances who we will be contacting individually.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the children and families who have been fantastic during this very challenging time. I appreciate the support you have given me and the staff and your understanding of the challenges we are facing.
I would also like to thank the staff who have been truly amazing, with everyone playing their part in preparing and implementing these arrangements; these include the teachers, teaching assistants, learning mentors, lunchtime staff, school kitchens, the office staff, our admin team, play cooridnator, apprentices, before and after school teams, the senior leadership team and our site staff – everyone has and is playing a crucial role in the overall delivery and operation of the school. As parents you will only see a fraction of this work but I have the privilege of seeing these people at their very best on a daily basis.
I will not be posting a further update this evening so I wish you all a pleasant evening and please remember – show kindness.
Mr. Guest.