Thank you to everyone who entered the Scarecrow competition 2015. The Results are: Best in show: -Mr Tumble (Khadijah) Gold– Mary Poppins (Isma and Safa) Silver—Usain Bolt (Dawud and Fathima) Bronze– Spiderman (Luca and Taylor)
COLEBOURNE & BEAUFORT SCHOOLS SCARECROW COMPETITION We would like to invite all our families and local businesses to be part of our second annual scarecrow competition. This year’s theme: Famous People When will the competition take place: Monday 12th October
Autumn 50 Things
It’s Autumn and it’s a great opportunity to tick off some of the Colebourne 50 Things. You could try: 9: eat an apple or pear straight from a tree. 10: Play conkers 18: Create some wild art 21. Pick wild
Y4 – building a more tolerant world!
A group of year 4 children have worked together with Mrs Asif to create a new focal piece for our assemblies. We strive to celebrate diversity at Colebourne and learn from and about different faiths and cultures. This helps us focus
Venetian Masks
A few photos of the masks we made for Carnival day!
3N cave painting!
As promised, here are some of the photographs from our cave painting afternoon last week. We painted pictures of animals that Stone Age people would have hunted. It was really good fun! Thanks to the children for being so sensible,
3N Cave Painting
Last Tuesday 3N had a fantastic afternoon creating Stone Age Cave paintings. First of all they had to make some realistic Stone Age paint using charcoal and oil. They needed to crush the charcoal into a fine powder and then
Year 4 art day
On Wednesday some children, in year 4, took part in an art day in order to produce a gift for Docking School. The theme of the art day was Birmingham past and present and the children were given the opportunity to
Talented artists
A few children currently in Y5 were chosen to do a gifted and talented art project. They collectively created a piece of art work promoting equality. The artwork is now ready to be sent to this year’s annual NASUWT art