Dear all, It’s been a very busy week here at Colebourne. Take a look at some of the things that have been happening. Have a great weekend. Mr. Guest
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (6th November 2020)
Welcome back to this half term at Colebourne. I hope you managed to have a good half term last week. As we enter this half term, we are once again faced with challenges because of Covid. As I reported earlier in the week via
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (23rd October 2020)
WOW! What an incredible half term we have had. I am delighted that we have got through a whole half term without having to send home any bubbles, meaning that we have been able to maximise the learning taking place
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (9th October 2020)
Dear all, I hope you have had a good week. Autumn is definitely here so why not go an an Autumn walk or complete some of the Colebourne 50 Things. It’s World Mental Health Day tomorrow too, so a walk
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (2nd October 2020)
Dear all, We are now a month into the school year, and everyone has settled back well. Staff have been working hard to settle the children back into learning and school life, while continuing to provide remote learning activities for
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (25th September 2020)
Dear all, Just a quick Friday update this week with a few key items. Attendance A huge thank you to everyone for their commitment to getting children into school. We know this is a strange time with some children having
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (18th September 2020)
I hope you are all well and are ready for the weekend! The children continue to be amazing and there has been so much great work taking place this week. We continue to deliver face to face teaching for those
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (11th September 2020)
We are now at the end of the first full week back and I am delighted to say that the children have settled back incredibly well. They are learning the new routines very quickly and are getting stuck into work.
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (4th September 2020)
Thank you to everyone for working together to make the start of term go so well. The children have settled in amazingly. Please let us know if you have any concerns about your child; we are always here to help. As we are constantly reviewing our new arrangements,
Welcome Back
We are really looking forward to Year 1 to Year 6 coming back tomorrow. I have made a short video to welcome you back and explain some of the changes that we have in place. We look forward to seeing