Dear allThere is no full Friday update this week so just a few messages: The children have come back after the break really well and have been working extremely hard this week. We’ve had lots of items around the school
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (1st April 2021)
Wishing you a fabulous Easter break. Stay safe, enjoy the outdoors and get active! Lots of great ideas in this week’s update and some lovely children’s work. Wishing you all the best and thank you to the whole Colebourne family
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (26th March 2021)
We’ve had another super week at Colebourne with lots of learning and experiences taking place. On Tuesday, we observed the two-minute silence as part of the National Day of Reflection. The children observed this impeccably. We have also been reflecting
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (19th March 2021)
What an amazing week at Colebourne! I have included a few photos from this week in this week’s update. There is also information about our HOPE WEEK next week, including a non-uniform day on Tuesday 23rd March. Plus, the link
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (12th March 2021)
Dear all, It has been a great first week back and the children have settled back extremely well. It has been lovely to see all of the parents too! Thank you for your ongoing support. Here is the Friday update,
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (5th March 2021)
We are looking forward to having the children back on Monday 8th March. Please have a read of this week’s update. Have a safe weekend and if you have any questions about the return, please get in touch. I look
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (26th February 2021)
Dear all, As we prepare for all the children to return to school on Monday 8th March, I have outlined details of what this will look like in this week’s update. There are some changes including pick up times, wrap
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (12th February 2021)
WOW! What a half term! Sincere thanks to everyone involved at Colebourne: Children, Parents and Staff. Everyone has worked so hard and needs a break! Please try to have a good half term – stay local and remember to keep
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (5th February 2021)
Good afternoon. We are at the end of another week! I hope you found the meeting with your child’s class teacher useful over the last couple of weeks; I know staff are very grateful for the support you are giving
Parent Update from Mr. Guest (29th January 2021)
Here is my Friday update which includes some great photos of the children’s snow adventures and some super SCREEN FREE work. There is also a nice surprise for the children coming up, as we have booked an online Magic show