At Colebourne we strongly believe in ensuring that our children grow up with a good knowledge of the main religions that exist in Britain and the similarities and differences that these religions teach. We strive through assemblies, collective worship, song practise and RE to extract key principles from the teachings of different religions that enable us all to lead better lives where we respect each other and the rule of law. We ensure that British values and laws are referred to where appropriate to ensure that all children have a clear understanding of their role growing up in multicultural Britain. We also ensure that children have the opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs and how these effect their daily lives. We celebrate the main festivals of religions through special assemblies or displays.
We use the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus as the basis for our planning but do not use the planning directly. Instead, we have created sequences of learning that enables our children to gain an awareness of the similarities and differences of the different faiths within areas of learning; for example – Year 2 look at ‘Dress’ and Year 5 look at ‘Food’.
For all the main festivals, each year group will explore an aspect of this each year. The different aspects are included in the planning document below.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything about our RE curriculum, please contact the school office to talk to out RE leader or Mr. Guest.
You can view the planning that we follow below:
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You may also like to see our RE and Collective Worship Blogs.
Collective Worship
At Colebourne we have a daily act of collective worship. Each week we focus on a different theme and where possible link in what different religions say about the theme, focussing on similarities to the central thought or idea, aiming to develop a sense of collective religious harmony. Click on the link below to see the themes for 2015-2016